Unleash the Full Power of Your Sermons

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Preach Once, Inspire Daily - Discover How with SermonClipper

Automatically Clip and Share Your Sermons

Use the Social Clipper to create bite sized, shareable clips of your sermons for social media and online platforms.

Daily Member Engagement

Automatically turn Your messages into daily sparks of inspiration in your members pockets.

You Sermon Devotional Mobile App

From the Pulpit to Their Pockets
Turn your pulpit preachings into personal pocket-sized devotions, automatically every day.

SermonCast: Daily Podcast Devotionals

Seamlessly transform your recorded sermons into a captivating daily devotional podcast, automating inspiration every day.

Save Time with AI Tools

Multiply your valuable time by leveraging AI technology to create additional sermon based tools and content effortlessly.

Your Daily Audio Devotion on Amazon Alexa

Use the MyChurchDaily tool to publish your automated audio daily devotions to Amazon Alexa

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